A warm welcome to you. Here I write about a range of public health topics, focusing on the questions I have been asked over the years. They span data matters, policy and strategy and also ways I think about various public health topics. A very common question I have had over the years is what does a public health approach actually mean? I have a general blog on how I think about this, and I have also applied this thinking in other blogs such as a public health approach to racism. I also include blogs on issues of the day such as abortion reform or other world issues relevant to us here in Australia.
I have a passion for human rights and equity, and you will see this throughout the blogs. My focus is on what I think the issues are and also what we can do to improve human rights. Public health thinking allows us to both understand the problem and its dimensions through epidemiology but also gives us the tools to change things for the better.
As a recovering public servant (!), I am enjoying writing about what I think even if sometimes the message is uncomfortable. I welcome discussion on these difficult issues so please feel free to join in the conversation on what can be done to support a healthier, flourishing population.

If you want to make sure you don't miss out on any new posts, please subscribe to my newsletter (link below or under the Contact tab). The newsletter is sent on a roughly monthly basis and includes new blogs, any new peer review papers I have had published and also interesting public health news from around the world.